The Bythorne Paranormal Society is a community dedicated to the capturing, studying, and destruction of Alternates. We pride ourselves on being based in Yonder, Werksha, Mandela, and Bythorne, but we're also occasionally available in surrounding counties.Our employees are active from 07:00 to 23:30 (UTC -5) on weekdays and weekends, meaning you're free to call us at almost any hour of the day! We'll send over a group of experts to analyze and extract the issue from your household, workplace, etc. with ease.Our investigations are relatively cheap, so don't hesitate to book an appointment when an unwanted guest shows up! Starting at $45, we'll hunt down and exterminate your pest with no problems whatsoever. Book an appointment today!
Yonder County - 60 per hour (Approx. $180)
Mandela County - 90 per hour (Approx. $270)
Bythorne County - 50 per hour (Approx. $150)
Werksha County - 60 per hour (Approx. $180)
Price listing estimates are at an average of 3 hours per investigation, pricings may change